There are several standards that govern the design of crosswalks and their individual components, including standards which vary by municipality.

Thus the crossings outlined below are to only serve as a guide where multiple options are available and to communicate level of quality,

  • Curb ramps should be directional wherever possible, whether on radius at intersection or in an inline configuration.
  • Curb ramps should be concrete with embedded detectable warning surfacing (see section).

Curb Ramp with Planted Shoulder

Curb Ramp without Planted Shoulder

COMPONENTS: Click below for more information on each component.

1) Primary Trail Surfacing (Concrete Header Optional)

2) Trail Shoulder

3) Detectable Warning Surface

4) Secondary Path Surfacing

Crosswalk Pavement Markings

Crosswalk pavement markings are to be continental type (bars with no border) and are incorporated with other improvements at intersections which are crossed by the trail.

  • All crosswalk markings are preferred to be thermoplastic material. A chlorinated paint or epoxy resin may be substituted in situations where existing pavements must remain.
  • Crosswalk markings are to be bold and consistent with accessibility requirements and MUTCD.
  • Crosswalk pavement markings consistent with greenway branding.
  • Crosswalk pavement marking are to be continental type of width consistent with accessibility requirements and MUTCD.
  • Width of pavement markings to be within ¼” of width specified in the plans.

Crosswalk Signalization

Crosswalk signalization is used to protect pedestrians where the trail crosses intersections.

  • Crosswalk signalization are to be consistent with accessibility requirements and MUTCD.
  • Crosswalk signalization must be designed by appropriate professional and be consistent with MUTCD, and other state and local requirements.