Permeable Pavement- Recommendations

Permeable pavement is a valuable option in a stormwater management plan.

It is effective not only in reducing runoff but can also be designed as a stand-alone water quality BMP. Efficient site planning can be maximized by combining uses such as utilizing permeable pavement for code mandated paved areas and to also provide water quality. Stand-alone BMP designs shall be capable of capturing and treating the required water quality volume, removing required 80% of total suspended solids and having an acceptable longevity rate in the field.

Design considerations and typical section details are presented in this section for porous asphalt, pervious concrete and permeable interlocking concrete pavement. Designer notes, plan notes, material certification and quality control, contractor prequalification as-built certification, stand-alone BMP guidance, and approved suppliers are accessed through the links. A typical cross sections for permeable pavers is shown in the Surfacing – Specialty Pavements section.

Permeable paving provides volume reduction, water quality treatment, channel protection storage, peak flood detention storage as reduction in flood protection volume by a change in curve number.

See GRG Levels of Care document.
See MSD Details and Cross Sections.

Permeable concrete pavers are one of many permeable pavement options. Care must be taken to ensure the voids in the pavement in which water flows through do not become clogged with debris, thus limiting the permeability of the pavement.