While it is the intention of the District to establish Design Guidelines to standardize many of the typical greenway elements, each greenway can still feature elements that distinguish it from the overall system. Furthermore, these elements can serve as additional wayfinding features. Where greenway segments or trails which connect to GRG greenways are being planned and designed, designs should also conform to these guidelines.


These Greenway elements are standards for the entire District. Deviation from these guidelines should be based on specific project challenges or need, not design or aesthetic reasons. Deviations should be communicated and documented to GRG in required format. Standards should always be considered a baseline to attain and surpass.


Variations in aesthetic/ design decisions should take into account regional context. Urban, suburban, and rural environments each have specific challenges and needs. Natural areas within each regional context have additional constraints. Recommendations have been made for these treatments, final design or selected materials need to meet or exceed expectations of the guidelines.

Greenway elements that should be considered for this regional variation:


Though a given greenway may pass through a variety of regional contexts, each greenway should have elements that carry its character throughout. Some materials, like stone, for example, might be used in different ways depending on the regional context, but it remains the same source material. Designers should strive to make extensions to an existing greenway consistent/ compatible with previous designs. Recommendations have been made for these treatments, final design or selected materials need to meet or exceed expectations of the guidelines.