A major trailheads serves as access and way station for greenway users.
In addition to vehicle parking, trailheads feature restrooms, bike parking, seating/ gathering space, bike repair stations and drinking fountains. Ideally major trailheads combine all of these amenities with sufficient parking, at a minimum for 20 vehicles.
- This strategy is to be used at high-use trail access points where large numbers of users are expected.
- Consider major trailhead as a full-service stop along the greenway.
- Standard and accessible parking stalls to accommodate 20+ vehicles. Stall dimensions to be min. 9’-0” wide x 18’-0” deep.
- Permeable pavement is preferred in vehicular parking areas. If roadway surface is asphalt, a concrete header should separate asphalt and serve to contain pavers.
- Incorporate kiosk signage at trailhead and parking area entry points. Other trail signage should be incorporated as required. See Signage Standards.
- Access for maintenance vehicles should be incorporated into the design.
- For greenways that experience high volumes of users on weekends, consider overflow parking in adjacent turf areas. Depending on condition and frequency of use, consider a turf stabilization product such as GrassPave.
- As opportunities allow, can explore options such as lighting, solar charging stations, etc.
Environmental Graphics
Trailheads provide a valuable opportunity for the installation of visual elements that elevate brand awareness, enhance user experience and communicate interpretive messages. Great Rivers Greenway has created an environmental graphics toolkit that contains various designs and elements that can be considered during the planning and design process.
Recommended Layout
COMPONENTS: Click below for more information on each component.
1) Primary Trail Surfacing (Concrete Header Optional)
2) Roadway/Service Drive Surfacing
6) Removable/Collapsible Bollards
9) Bike Repair Station