Large seating nodes are designed for social gathering along the trail.
The paved area is set off the trail and includes several benches. Social nodes will be most effective in segments of the greenway that have high numbers of walkers or are surrounded by denser neighborhoods. Social nodes should used where the greenway is more likely to be used as destination park, rather than as a regional connection between other destinations.
- Use where a large number of users is expected in a particular area.
- Use this along trail segments away from larger nodes and parking areas.
- Benches should be placed at least 3’-0” off of the edge of the trail surface to account for the standard greenway shoulder.
- Shade is critical.
- A 3’-0” flat area that does not exceed 20:1 should be graded around the bench and interpretive sign pad to prevent maintenance issues at edges of pavement.
Recommended Layout
COMPONENTS: Click below for more information on each component.
1) Primary Trail Surfacing – Concrete
2) Benches
3) Primary Trail Surfacing – Asphalt (Concrete Header Optional)