Partners, Partners, Partners!
Collaboration increases impact.
Whether it’s the collaborative model we were founded upon, a public-private partnership like Brickline Greenway, a regional initiative like St. Louis Anchor Action Network, or just sharing resources with a peer, we’re open for partnership. Sometimes we work with schools to plan a greenway field trip, maybe your community wants to volunteer, maybe you’d love for us to come speak at your event or meeting so more people can know about the greenways and how the vision is unfolding.
Do you have an idea of how we might join forces to better our communities? Please connect!
Planning/Project Partnerships
Beyond our greenways and many other collaborations, here are a few (both current and past) of our major regional partnerships in the St. Louis region:

We were part of the major public-private renovation of the Gateway Arch National Park Grounds and surrounding areas, including Kiener Plaza and the St. Louis Riverfront, part of the Mississippi Greenway! Great Rivers Greenway stewards the taxpayers’ investment in this project through Proposition P and helps to operate and maintain the sites.
Learn about CityArchRiver
North Riverfront Open Space & Redevelopment Plan
We collaborated with the City of St. Louis (via the St. Louis Development Corporation) and others to create a plan to enhance the North Riverfront, transforming vacant property along the Mississippi River into parks and public places, and encouraging private enterprise.
See The North Riverfront Plan
Bike St. Louis
We worked with the City of St. Louis and a few other municipalities to establish a 150-mile network of street routes for bicycles from 2005-2014, to connect between greenways.
Learn About Bike St. Louis
Gateway Bike Plan
This is a cooperative effort to provide a coordinated vision for accommodating and encouraging bicycling as a viable way of getting around the region.
See The Gateway Bike Plan