Greenways to Visit

Plan Your Visit
You are so welcome on the greenways! These guidelines will help you—and everyone else along the way—have a great experience. Thanks to our friends at St. Louis ArtWorks for helping us make some of these videos:

Greenway Etiquette Song
Come as you are, the greenways are here for you anytime. For some visits, you might want water, sunscreen, bug spray or a charged cell phone.
Watch Song On YouTube
Stay to the Right Side
Stay to the right side of the greenway trail - walk or bike on the right side of the paved trail, and pass on the left side. Once you have passed, return to the right lane as quickly as possible.

Announce When Passing
When you do want to pass someone, please make your intentions clear! You can ring a bell, say "on your left" or "coming up on your left side" or "passing on your left" so people know you're coming!

No Unauthorized Vehicles
There are no motorized vehicles allowed except for your motorized wheelchairs, bikes, scooters, etc. You may see a see a slow-moving service vehicles for landscaping. If you see someone driving unsafely, please call 911.

Don't Litter
Do your part to make sure your trash makes it into a trash can or home with you to throw away later. Bonus points if you're able to pick up others' trash!
Watch YouTube Video - Litter
Wear A Helmet
Wear a helmet that fits, down on your forehead, to be seen and reduce the risk of injury!
Watch YouTube Video - Helmets
Mind Your Headphones
Keep headphones at a low volume so you can communicate with and be aware of your surroundings on the greenways!
Watch YouTube Video - Headphones
Pets On Leashes
Keep your pets close on a fixed leash, 6 feet or less. Pick up any waste they leave behind and be aware of your surroundings and how your pet is doing.
Watch YouTube Video - Pets
Greenway Hours May Vary
Each greenway is managed in collaboration with partners. Some are in parks with set hours/gates, some are on campuses or commuting routes. In general, they're open for you 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset. Please check signs to confirm!

Keep Wildlife Wild
While the Missouri Department of Conservation encourages you to fill your bird feeder, hand feeding or leaving food for other urban and suburban wildlife—such as deer, coyotes, raccoons and geese—do more harm than good.
View Resource PDF - Wildlife