North Connector Design Plan

The Brickline Greenway North Connector Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a diverse group of community members that will work together to ensure citizen participation in the planning and design of the northernmost segment of the Brickline Greenway project. CAC membership includes residents, business owners, community leaders and other stakeholders that represent the neighborhoods in and around the proposed northern alignment of the Brickline Greenway project.  The Brickline Greenway North Connector CAC provides input and information to Great Rivers Greenway and Brickline Greenway project and design teams.


2024 Meeting Dates


2022-2023 Meeting Materials


Events & Announcements


CAC Resources




North Connector Concept Plan

In 2021, community stakeholders joined Great Rivers Greenway in identifying opportunities for the northermost segments of the Brickline Greenway. These stakeholders worked with a design team to inform a conceptual planning process for the greenway, identifying potential greenway types, special places and projects for the area.

This segment passes through three St. Louis City neighborhoods — JeffVanderLou, Covenant Blu-Grand Center and Midtown. A greenway spur down St. Louis Avenue connects to 20th Street and passes through the St. Louis Place neighborhood. 


2021 Meetings & Materials



You can submit comments, questions or concerns here.

North Connector Comment Form

Brickline Greenway Framework Plan

A Roadmap For the Project and Process

The Brickline Greenway Framework Plan outlines the mission, key principles and outcomes for the project.  It explores the possibilities for the Brickline, setting the foundation for future planning and design.

Summary – Making of a Greenway: 

Full Framework Planning document:

(to download or print this plan, please contact Great Rivers Greenway at

As you check out the Framework Plan materials, please remember that this is a conceptual plan, all images are draft ideas to illustrate the ways this project could come to life. All proposed conditions imagery is copyright of Stoss.