Brickline Greenway Construction Begins To Transform North Grand Boulevard

Posted on Monday March 10, 2025

Groundbreaking celebration Monday, March 24 with City of St. Louis, partners, community members

St. Louis, Missouri – Great Rivers Greenway (GRG), the public agency that has been connecting the region with greenways for 25 years, invites community members to celebrate the groundbreaking of the north connector of Brickline Greenway on Monday, March 24, 2025. The event, hosted by partner Veterans Community Project at 1515 N. Grand Boulevard, is open to the public from 8-9:30 a.m. Refreshments will be provided, with staff on hand to discuss the project. Formal remarks begin at 8:30 a.m. from St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, GRG CEO Susan Trautman, and several leaders and partners. Parking on site is limited; attendees are encouraged to take public transit or walk or bike to the event.

The 1.3-mile project will create a new, paved, accessible greenway (path) on the west side of Grand Boulevard from Fairground Park at Natural Bridge Avenue south to Cass Avenue, west to Spring Avenue, south to Page Avenue that will address the dire need for safety improvements. In just four years of study, there were 733 reported crashes resulting in seven deaths, 301 injuries and at least 17 disabling injuries to people walking and driving in this area. The project includes new paths, crosswalks, bus stops (the #70 Grand is the highest used bus in the Metro Transit system), with hundreds of new trees, public art and amenities.

“Hundreds of community members’ voices and partner collaborations helped to bring this project to life,” said Trautman. “The remarkable mix of federal, state and local public funding alongside significant philanthropic giving have come together for a huge impact.”

The construction also includes improvements to the east side of Grand Avenue, thanks to contributions from the city’s American Rescue Plan Act funds and two additional federal transportation grants.

“St. Louisans deserve safe and enjoyable options for getting around. Building this section of the Brickline Greenway in North City shows how serious GRG, the City, and everyone involved are about equitably improving our infrastructure,” said Jones. “Along with City projects also happening in 2025 and 2026 – like calming 30 miles of main roads and building several protected bike lanes – the Brickline Greenway is reshaping our transportation landscape and making our streets people-friendly.” 

This project is one segment of the overall Brickline Greenway project, which is a $245 million public-private partnership. Great Rivers Greenway will bid it out for construction this month, is expected to break ground in May and take approximately 18 months to complete. North Grand will keep parking on both sides of the street in between curb bump-outs and safer crosswalks, and driving lanes will be reduced to one narrower lane of car travel in each direction with a center lane for turning and emergency vehicle access. Similar traffic calming measures employed for a project in South City have resulted in only 9 percent of people exceeding the 35-mph speed limit while driving in the narrowed southbound lanes alongside the River des Peres Greenway vs. 56 percent of the people exceeding the speed limit when driving in the wide north bound lanes. 

“We’re committed to investing in the Brickline Greenway because it will attract more businesses, talent and energy to St. Louis,” said Penny Pennington, Managing Partner at Edward Jones and Campaign Co-Chair for the Brickline Greenway project. “Our region deserves transformative projects like the Brickline Greenway that promote accessibility and shared prosperity.”

Both Edward Jones and the Penny Pennington and Michael Fidler Family are contributing to the project, alongside the Berges Family Foundation, Emily Rauh Pulitzer, Ameren, and many others. 

About Brickline Greenway/Great Rivers Greenway   |   MEDIA KIT WITH MAPS, IMAGES

Brickline Greenway is a bold vision to connect people and our city’s most treasured places, creating inspiring experiences and equitable opportunities for growth. This will be a network of 12+ miles of greenways, linking up to 14 neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis, connecting Forest Park to the Gateway Arch National Park, Fairground Park to Tower Grove Park and hundreds of destinations in between. The project aims to finish in 2030 and is now 54% funded through local tax dollars, State of Missouri funds, several federal grants and private philanthropy.

Great Rivers Greenway is a public agency created by a vote of the people in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County in the year 2000 to connect the region with greenways. There are 135 miles of greenways and counting for you to explore and enjoy!

About our host: Veterans Community Project is dedicated to serving every man and woman who took the oath for our country, regardless of discharge status or type of service. Our solution to fix Veteran homelessness is simple: provide Veterans a home with dignity and wrap-around support services that not only get them back on their feet, and ensure they continue standing.
2025 also marks the 250th anniversary of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps.

Brickline Greenway: North Grand Groundbreaking Celebration

Monday, March 24, 2025 • 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Monday, March 24, 20258:00 am - 9:30 am

Event Details

North Grand Groundbreaking Celebration

Join us for free refreshments and giveaways as we all celebrate the groundbreaking for Brickline Greenway: North Connector. Together with the City of St. Louis and many stakeholders, partners and community members, we are bidding the project very soon and will begin construction on this transformative project to reimagine North Grand (and beyond) in May.

Speakers include:

  • Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, City of St. Louis
  • Susan Trautman, CEO, Great Rivers Greenway
  • Alderwoman Laura Keys, 11th Ward
  • Constance Siu, Executive Director, North Newstead Association
  • Brandon Williams, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis
  • Rebecca Tallman, Executive Director of Veterans Community Project
    Anyone can join a tour of their facility and a sample tiny home directly after the program (not to be missed!)

Learn more about this segment.

Click here to download the flyer and share with friends and neighbors!

Open House for Brickline Greenway Segment Along Market Street (Gateway Mall)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025 • 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, February 25, 20254:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Event Details

Come learn about the project, review this corridor (along Market St. from 20th St. to the Gateway Arch), meet with the design team and provide feedback!

  • Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 4:30-7:00pm (Presentations at 5:00 and 6:15)
  • Spark St. Louis (in Ballpark Village – 6 Cardinal Way, 63102)

Parking under 3hrs in the adjacent Ballpark Village lots will be validated. Guests should bring the ticket they receive at the gate up to Spark to be validated at the front desk. Bikes can be secured on racks around Ballpark Village or inside at Spark St. Louis.

Click here to view the Ballpark Village parking map, with the event location highlighted in the yellow dotted line nearest Broadway.

Read more about this segment here.

BJC Health System, Washington University in St. Louis, and Greater St. Louis, Inc. Provide Major Support to Brickline Greenway

Posted on Thursday January 9, 2025

Significant contributions and in-kind support put the project past the halfway funding mark with 2025 momentum

Brickline Greenway is kicking off 2025 with three huge wins! Great Rivers Greenway (GRG), the public agency connecting the region with greenways who turns 25 this year, has received a major boost to support the project’s vision to connect 14 neighborhoods with 12+ miles of greenways. Significant investments from both BJC Health System (BJC) and Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) push the $245 million public-private partnership past the halfway-funded mark, as well as provide critical match for future federal funding applications. Greater St. Louis, Inc. (GSL) stepped up its commitment by forming a working group of CEOs to support capital campaign efforts, further ensuring success for the project in 2025.

“Brickline Greenway is a transformational project and we’re very pleased to invest in its success,” said WashU Chancellor Andrew D. Martin. “We value a vibrant, connected St. Louis where everyone has opportunities to thrive. Supporting the greenway is a meaningful way for WashU to help shape the region’s future and to advance our commitment to being ‘in St. Louis and for St. Louis.’ We look forward to enjoying the greenway with our friends and neighbors in our community.”

Both WashU and BJC contributed significant gifts to the Great Rivers Greenway Foundation to support the project. Most immediately, this funding helps to provide Great Rivers Greenway’s required local match when they apply in February for a federal transportation grant for the section of Brickline Greenway connecting the Cortex Innovation Community west to Forest Park. (before & after images)

“BJC’s commitment to the health and wellbeing of our communities extends beyond our campuses, clinics and offices,” said Richard Liekweg, Chief Executive Officer of BJC. “We believe in helping create the infrastructure for healthier living, and the research on how to best encourage and support people to make active, healthy choices is very clear – it needs to be easy, safe, accessible and nearby. Brickline Greenway does just that by opening up a world of options to improve the overall health of our St. Louis community.”

Brickline Greenway has garnered just over $58 million in public funds from state and federal sources so far, $18 million of Great Rivers Greenway’s local tax dollars and more than $55 million in private funding. GRG and GSL are working in collaboration to raise the rest of the philanthropic investment by rallying the business community to support the community-centered project, which the STL 2030 Jobs Plan — a 10-year roadmap for boosting economic growth — calls “one of the most ambitious and inclusive placemaking efforts in the country.”

“A priority project in the STL 2030 Jobs Plan, Brickline Greenway is estimated to provide a 2:1 return on investment, contribute to the revitalization of Downtown St. Louis, and connect people across neighborhoods to jobs and opportunity,” said Dustin Allison, Interim CEO for GSL. “Partnering to bring the campaign across the finish line is a natural fit for our collaborative approach to equitable growth in St. Louis.”

“Brickline Greenway is a testament to the power of partnership and we’re so grateful to GSL, WashU, and BJC for their commitment and collaboration for this project’s bold vision and what it means for leveraging other funding to get this done for the community,” said Susan Trautman, Chief Executive Officer for GRG.

“We’ve completed two segments, we have Market Street under construction now, the City of St. Louis has bid out both of their connector projects (20th Street and Tower Grove Connector), and we’ll bid out North Grand in the next month.”


Media kit:

About Brickline Greenway/Great Rivers Greenway  

Brickline Greenway is a bold vision to connect people and our city’s most treasured places, creating inspiring experiences and equitable opportunities for growth. This will be a network of 12+ miles of greenways, linking up to 14 neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis, connecting Forest Park to the Gateway Arch National Park, Fairground Park to Tower Grove Park and hundreds of destinations in between. The project aims to finish in 2030 and is now 54% funded through local tax dollars, State of Missouri funds, several federal grants and private philanthropy, and Brickline North Community Development Corporation has formed to aid in ensuring equitable economic impact along the way.

Great Rivers Greenway is a public agency, created by a vote of the people in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County in the year 2000 to create a sales tax dedicated to connecting the region with greenways. There are 135 miles of greenways and counting for you to explore and enjoy!

About Greater St. Louis, Inc.

Greater St. Louis, Inc. brings together business and civic leaders to create jobs, expand inclusive economic growth, and improve St. Louis’ global competitiveness. We speak with a unified voice, lead with a bold agenda, and act as one metro anchored by a vibrant urban core. Learn more at

About Washington University

Washington University in St. Louis is among the world’s leaders in teaching, research, patient care and service to society. WashU is distinctive in its purpose-driven scholarship across a wide range of academic disciplines, its highly supportive residential undergraduate experience, and its world-class research enterprise, which addresses scientific, social, economic and medical challenges locally, nationally and globally. The university is highly ranked in many national surveys, including #21 on the U.S. News & World Report’s list of top national universities. The university is deeply rooted in St. Louis, a city with a rich history and contemporary vibrancy. Learn more about WashU by visiting

About BJC Health System

BJC Health System is one of the largest nonprofit health care organizations in the United States and the largest in the state of Missouri, serving urban, suburban, and rural communities across Missouri, southern Illinois, eastern Kansas, and the greater Midwest region. One of the largest employers in Missouri, BJC operates as BJC HealthCare in its East Region and as Saint Luke’s in its West Region. BJC comprises 24 hospitals and hundreds of clinics and service organizations all committed to providing extraordinary patient care and advancing medical breakthroughs. BJC’s nationally recognized academic hospitals—Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s Hospitals—are affiliated with Washington University School of Medicine. To learn more, visit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

It Takes a Community

Posted on Tuesday November 12, 2024

How People Shape the Greenways

T. Christopher Peoples, Director of Equity + Economic Impact

One of the most common questions I get is “what is a Director of Equity + Economic Impact and why do we need one?” The short answer is that it’s my job to serve as the collaborator between greenway-adjacent neighborhoods, Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) and at St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) as we work toward equitable economic development strategies and initiatives. Together with these neighborhoods, we’re working to encourage economic rebound and repopulation, improve housing stock and resist displacement in what are some of the region’s most historic but disinvested neighborhoods. Because my role is funded by private funds at a public agency, I have the opportunity to engage in GRG projects on both a broader scale and with a more focused scope, particularly the most underserved and underrepresented neighborhoods.

As we work to make the St. Louis region a more vibrant place to live, work and play by developing a network of greenways, every bit of feedback and involvement coming out of our greenway neighborhoods is critical. It serves as a navigational waypoint to ensure we remain on the right course from start to finish and promotes long-term community ownership. In the case of the Brickline Greenway, the recently incorporated Brickline North Community Development Corporation (BNCDC) will serve as a conduit to encourage this vital involvement. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, BNCDC is comprised of both GRG staff, neighborhood representatives and key community stakeholders who have volunteered their time to help create a brighter future for their communities, specifically Covenant Blu-Grand Center, Jeff-Vander-Lou, and St. Louis Place. BNCDC will nurture the partnership between GRG and these three communities by establishing a structured environment for sustained collaboration and community involvement.

Brickline North Community Development Corporation

Influencing greenway programming is one of the core responsibilities of BNCDC as we look to foster community ownership of the Brickline Greenway in the years following its opening and because of that, we want to encourage engagement at all levels. Be it signing up for our newsletter, following us on social media, coming to town halls or volunteering time, there are ample ways to engage. For those with more time to volunteer, an interest in local government or both, numerous positions on BNCDC committees are open and we encourage you to reach out for additional information. Through sustained involvement of the community, the Brickline Greenway will be more capable of facilitating welcoming and inclusive programming accessible to all communities.

Beyond acting as a facilitator of collaborative programming, our hope here at GRG is for BNCDC to become a self-sustaining community group. The Brickline Greenway, and all greenways for that matter, is intended to not be something built for communities, but something co-created and owned by communities as a vessel and booster of cultural and economic opportunity. GRG projects strive to have direct, tangible impacts which improve the lives of residents and create an example for similar communities nationwide. If we as a regional community aspire to deliver this impact and bring these neighborhoods overdue support, we need communities to get involved. We need vendors to open shops along the greenway, we need instructors to lead classes, we need planners to help organize events, and we need our community to thrive.

Watch this brief video to learn more about Chris and his work along the Brickline Greenway.

To learn more about how you can get involved with the greenways, visit

Great Rivers Greenway CEO Susan Trautman Retiring After Transforming and Connecting the St. Louis Region for 15 of the Organization’s 25 Years

Posted on Wednesday September 11, 2024

Regional public agency’s Board of Directors to launch national search for replacement

After a significant career in public service and a tenacious 15-years at the helm of Great Rivers Greenway, Susan Trautman will serve as CEO for nine more months until May 2025. The transition will happen during the 25th anniversary of the vote of the people that created the agency, which has since built (with partners and communities) 135 miles of paved, accessible greenway trails with hundreds of destinations, amenities, new special places and conservation projects along the way.

“Susan’s unwavering commitment to regionalism and delivering high-quality and meaningful projects to our community members is a point of pride for our whole region,” said Monica Huddleston, current Board President. “Her leadership changed the game; she elevated the organization year after year, building a team of highly professional staff, efficient systems and a culture of innovation to push for the highest possible impact for the people we serve.”

Trautman joined the organization as its second leader in 2010 and oversaw transformational growth of the depth and breadth of the agency. During her tenure, Great Rivers Greenway doubled their number of miles of greenway trail (from 68 to 135) as well as added several destination park projects. Trautman was a key champion in the 6-agency public-private partnership to plan and implement the CityArchRiver project, reimagining of the Gateway Arch National Park and surrounding areas. Through that project, she navigated the agency and project through a second tax levy, Proposition P, in 2013, which contributed funds to the CityArchRiver project as well as additional greenway and park projects in St. Louis City and St. Louis County. She led the organization through the addition of new departments to promote and sustain the greenways, while developing a 501(c)3 nonprofit Foundation to solicit and steward private donations to the same cause, collecting more than $50 million to date. Trautman successfully leveraged approximately $110 million to date of outside funding sources from federal or state grants, ensuring that residents’ tax contributions are used to their maximum potential. Project highlights include public-private partnerships Trojan Park and Chain of Rocks Park, along the St. Vincent and Mississippi Greenways, respectively. The agency’s latest ambitious project is Brickline Greenway, a bold vision to connect 14 city neighborhoods and four anchor parks with 10 miles of greenway, infused with public art, trees and plants, and inclusive economic development.

“The people’s vision for a vibrant region connected with greenways has never been stronger; this is an opportunity for a new leader to bring energy and insight to the strength and momentum we have in our 25th year,” said Trautman. “It has been a true honor to deliver on a mission this powerful and dynamic. I am incredibly grateful to our remarkable Board of Directors, who are consistently thoughtful, strategic, and regional in their approach, to our passionate and competent staff who do what’s right, to our dedicated and collaborative partners who make this possible, and to our amazing community members, who guide our efforts, hold us accountable and for whom we do this work. I am especially excited for the visionary leaders involved in the Brickline Greenway to bring that project fully to life in 2030.”

“Bringing the St. Louis region together to advance a big, ambitious idea like the Brickline Greenway takes a unique talent, and Susan Trautman has led this work in the spirit of collaboration and with vision, tireless commitment, and grace. I’ve seen this first-hand working with Susan for nearly a decade now. Susan’s stewardship of GRG more broadly has also been transformational, and she has left an enduring legacy that will serve as the strong foundation her successor can build upon,” said Greater St. Louis, Inc. CEO Jason Hall. “Susan is also a friend, and I’m excited for her to enjoy the next chapter after her distinguished career of service to St. Louis.”

“Susan’s incredible dedication and civic leadership has been truly instrumental in growing the impact of Great Rivers Greenway and strengthening our region the past 15 years,” said Penny Pennington, managing partner of Edward Jones. “Her impact and commitment will continue to advance transformative projects like the Brickline Greenway, connecting the people and visitors of St. Louis to outdoor spaces and spurring tremendous economic growth.” 

The search for Trautman’s replacement will begin in the next month. The Great Rivers Greenway Board of Directors is working with consultants to support the search for candidates who have executive leadership experience with managing private and public funding streams, building relationships with elected leaders and donors, board management, operations and talent oversight, and strategic problem-solving. Like all roles, the position will be posted online. Anyone can subscribe for email alerts when jobs are posted.

“Given Susan’s generous timeline, we look forward to a robust search finding the right candidate to continue the level of excellence she has established for her role, the staff, and the overall operations throughout the 3-county, 120-town region we’re connecting together,” said Dr. Bernard DuBray, Board Vice President and head of the search committee. “We thank her for her commendable work and wish her all the best in her retirement – she’ll surely be riding her bike on the greenways even more now!”

Trautman’s career highlights include serving as Director of Parks and Recreation at both Des Peres and Clayton, as Planner/Principal at SWT Design, and championing capital projects like the Lodge at Des Peres or Center of Clayton before embarking on her journey at Great Rivers Greenway. Key accomplishments include 2011 St. Louis Business “Top 25 Influential Business Women”, the 2012 “Missourian Award” for her long time efforts in improving the quality of life in Missouri through parks and recreation services, NAACP 2018 Ina Boon Social Justice award for work related to minority inclusion in the CityArchRiver project and numerous accolades for Great Rivers Greenway under her leadership. Her board service includes St. Louis Regional Health Commission, Beyond Housing, Urban Land Institute, American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration and the National Recreation and Park Association (2015-16 Chair). 


ABOUT: Great Rivers Greenway is a public agency, created by a vote of the people in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County in the year 2000 to make the St. Louis region a more vibrant place to live, work and play by developing a network of greenways with partners and communities, enhancing healthy habitats and watersheds along the way. Whether you walk, run, ride a bike, roll a wheelchair or push a stroller, there are 135 miles of greenways and counting for you to explore and enjoy!  

[Full] Volunteer: Tree Planting at Fairground Park

Saturday, November 9, 2024 • 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday, November 9, 20249:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Details

Fairground Park

Fairground Park, St. Louis, MO, USA

This event will take place near the Fairground Tennis Courts. You can input this location in Google Maps. Please follow the Great Rivers Greenway volunteer signs.



NOTE: This event is full! Please see our other upcoming events here:


Volunteers are needed to help plant native trees for future shade, beauty, and habitat on Saturday, November 9th from 9AM to 12PM at Fairground Park! 

This in-person event is a great opportunity to connect with nature and make a positive impact on the community as we celebrate Fairground Park and all it has to offer. Mark your calendars and join us for a day of planting and camaraderie.

No experience necessary; Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, Great Rivers Greenway, and St. Louis City Forestry staff will teach volunteers how to properly plant native trees.

What to wear: Please dress for the weather.  Closed toe shoes are required. Eye protection and gloves will be provided.

What to bring: All tools will be provided for this event.  Please bring a water bottle to help us reduce plastic waste. Light snacks and water will be provided.  

All ages are welcome!

This event will take place by the tennis courts in Fairground Park.  Please follow volunteer signage for parking. 

Register Now

Fairground Park

Fairground Park, St. Louis, MO, USA

Additional Notes:

This event will take place near the Fairground Tennis Courts. You can input this location in Google Maps. Please follow the Great Rivers Greenway volunteer signs.



Get Directions on Google Maps

Volunteer: Brickline Greenway North Grand Cleanup

Saturday, September 21, 2024 • 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Saturday, September 21, 20249:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Details

Brickline Greenway - North Grand - Multiple Locations

N Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO, USA

For more information about this future project, click here.

Join Great Rivers Greenway, partners, and community members in helping clean up this future segment of the Brickline Greenway! Volunteers will remove trash from the sidewalk along North Grand Blvd. This event will involve walking and some bending over to pick up trash. Great for individuals or groups!

No experience necessary: Great Rivers Greenway staff will go over safety and ensure all volunteers feel comfortable and ready.

What to wear: Please dress for the weather. Closed toe shoes are required. Gloves will be provided.

What to bring: All tools will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own trash grabbers if you have them. Please bring a water bottle to help us reduce plastic waste. Light snacks and water will be provided. 

For any questions about volunteering, please reach out to Jovany Otero at

Please register by following the links below!

Register Now

Brickline Greenway - North Grand - Multiple Locations

N Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO, USA

Additional Notes:

For more information about this future project, click here.

Get Directions on Google Maps

New Collaborative Community Development Corporation Forms to Support Areas Along Northern Part of Brickline Greenway 

Posted on Tuesday August 13, 2024

Brickline North CDC will serve Covenant Blu-Grand Center, Jeff-Vander-Lou and St. Louis Place neighborhoods 

A new organization was incorporated this month – the Brickline North Community Development Corporation (BNCDC) was signed into existence by representatives from each of the three neighborhoods it will serve, alongside T. Christopher Peoples, Director of Equity + Economic Impact for Great Rivers Greenway.  

BNCDC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to empower individuals and neighborhoods served by the Brickline Greenway’s North Connector, namely Covenant Blu-Grand Center, Jeff-Vander-Lou (JVL), and St. Louis Place, by fostering inclusive and sustainable neighborhoods through collaborative initiatives and partnerships. The economic development programming will provide comprehensive community development services including neighborhood capacity building, neighborhood revitalization, public safety Initiatives, nonprofit and small business support and community engagement and advocacy.  

This is the direct result of the past six years of civic engagement around this topic with neighbors, businesses and community leaders. Peoples was hired into this privately-funded role in August 2022, working collaboratively with St. Louis Development Corporation to implement equitable economic development strategies in the Brickline Greenway project area.  

“My role exists to ensure that the Brickline Greenway is an asset that creates a ripple effect of thoughtful, sustainable support for this community, such as repopulation and opportunities for shared prosperity,” said Peoples. “I’ve spent the last two years listening and collaborating, and now we’ve come together to create this CDC as a vehicle to both implement and amplify efforts happening in these three neighborhoods, particularly when no other tool is available.” 

The Board of Directors that will govern the organization has specific criteria, set out in the bylaws, to ensure representation from the areas they serve. The founding steering committee members that help establish the governance and programming are as follows: 

  • Gwen Chambers, St. Louis Place resident
  • Lois Conley, Griot Museum of Black History
  • Audrey Ellermann, Covenant-Blu Grand Center resident & neighborhood assoc. president
  • Russell Houston, St. Louis Place resident
  • Darby Latham, St. Louis Place resident (Vector Communications)
  • Jeremy Main, Jeff-Vander-Lou resident (Mission: St. Louis)
  • Matt Oldani, Deaconess Foundation
  • Tom Pickel, retired CDC director
  • Tim Tucker, Real Estate and Community Development Consultant
  • Daphne Redding, St. Louis Place resident
  • Constance Siu, North Newstead Association

“The formation of the new CDC has not only been a wonderful experience; it is a dream come true,” said Ellermann. “This will assure the community that the North Central plan will be implemented and will complement the efforts of the Brickline Greenway, assuring a better future for the neighborhoods. It gives the residents a voice – ‘Nothing about us without us’ – an extraordinary change is about to happen, the first of its kind in St. Louis.” 

“The Brickline Greenway can and should result in additional investment throughout the North Grand Corridor community – how that future investment happens, who that investment benefits, and what the impact of that investment will be on the broader neighborhood are of deep concern to current residents, businesses, and other organizations,” said Main. “This CDC will be an important piece of infrastructure for helping shape future investments, both by supporting existing efforts and catalyzing new efforts that will contribute to an ever-more-flourishing North Grand Corridor community.” 

“The formation of this CDC has given our communities the ambition to advance and transform our living spaces,” said Redding. 

BNCDC will operate in conjunction with the many neighborhood organizations, neighboring CDCs, St. Louis Development Corporation, and individual stakeholders and neighbors alike to determine when the entity is the right fit for any given task, supporting the collective vision for the area. Stay informed on the project and process by subscribing for updates at  

Brickline Greenway/Great Rivers Greenway 

Brickline Greenway is a bold vision to connect people and our city’s most treasured places, creating inspiring experiences and equitable opportunities for growth. This will be a network of 10 miles of greenways, linking up to 14 neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis, connecting Forest Park to the Gateway Arch National Park, Fairground Park to Tower Grove Park and hundreds of destinations in between. Progress includes two segments built, four more in design and is now 44% funded through local tax dollars, State of Missouri funds, several federal grants and private philanthropy.    

 Great Rivers Greenway is a public agency, created by a vote of the people in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County in the year 2000 to create a sales tax dedicated to connecting the region with greenways. The mission is to make the St. Louis region a more vibrant place to live, work and play by developing a network of greenways with partners and communities, enhancing healthy habitats and watersheds along the way. Whether you walk, run, ride a bike, roll a wheelchair or push a stroller, there are 135 miles of greenways and counting for you to explore and enjoy!  

Meet Mona

Posted on Thursday July 25, 2024

Mona Vespa is the President of GO! St. Louis. GO! is a local non-profit organization that encourages individuals and families in the #STL region to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle year round. They accomplish this through community collaborations, school-based programming and the creation of new and fun fitness events:

“Running is my sport, my hobby and my profession! Personally, I can’t imagine a better way to explore your own city than on foot, and the greenways are the perfect way to do that! Every time I run a greenway, I am reminded that our city is incredibly diverse in landscape and character, but is also comprised of neighborhoods and communities who are all working towards a similar goal: to make their part of our city a vibrant and welcoming home. And as a part of my job, what a joy it is to share that with the runners and walkers of our area. I’ve used greenways for several GO! St. Louis race routes, and our Summer Passport program’s entire focus is to introduce more runners to the incredible gem of these paths throughout our city. GO! St. Louis is thankful for GRG’s work and dedication to outdoor recreation in our region!”

Home Greenway: All of them!