Hodiamont Greenway Plan

The Hodiamont Tracks were once the route of a streetcar line and in later years a bus route.  In 2018, Great Rivers Greenway began working with area residents to talk about turning the 3.5-mile corridor into a greenway. The tracks start on Enright Avenue, one block west of Vandeventer in the Grand Center Arts District and continue west 3.5 miles connecting the Vandeventer, Lewis Place, Fountain Park, Academy/Sherman Park, Visitation Park, West End and Covenant Blu-Grand Center neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis to Gwen Giles Park at the city limit.  In addition to connecting to existing and future greenways, it will link numerous schools, parks, houses of worship and neighborhoods.

Project Partners:

  • Great Rivers Greenway
  • City of St. Louis
  • Bi-State Development Agency

Watch video below to learn more about this project:

There are two active projects underway. Read more about them below:

Hodiamont Greenway: Gwen Giles Park (Save the date for a community Groundbreaking Celebration for this project on Sunday April 27, 2025 in Gwen Giles Park!)

Hodiamont Greenway: St. Vincent Greenway to Belt Avenue


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