Brickline Art
From the outset of the planning for the Brickline Greenway, art and culture has been a critical component. Beginning with the role that artists played in the development of the Brickline Greenway’s Framework Plan, Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) demonstrated its commitment to art and its understanding that art would be integral to the identity of the Brickline Greenway.
Brickline Art: A Working Plan for Art on the Brickline Greenway establishes Brickline Art as the greenway’s art program and describes how art can help achieve the Brickline Greenway’s ambitions to impact individual well-being and the vitality of the community.
View the full Brickline Art plan here:

The Projects
Pillars of the Valley
Pillars of the Valley, a commemorative permanent public art installation, commemorates the once-thriving Mill Creek Valley neighborhood, which was destroyed (and 20,000 Black residents displaced) in the name of “urban renewal”. This art installation was created by Damon Davis with support from partners Great Rivers Greenway, St. Louis CITY SC, City of St. Louis, Counterpublic and Harris-Stowe State University.
Banner Art
We asked and you answered – 67 artists submitted to our call for local artists to design artwork for temporary streetlight banners along Grand Blvd. from Natural Bridge to Cass. The banners will mark a segment of the Brickline Greenway: North Connector, which will begin construction in 2025.
Guided by community feedback, our Banner Art Working Group has chosen these 4 local artist finalists: Jamie Bonfiglio, Jen Everett, Andrea Hughes, and Marquis Terrell. You’re now able to see their designs installed along North Grand Blvd.
Open Calls for Artists
There are not any open calls for artist submissions at this time, but please check back here for new opportunities in the future.
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