Media Kit

Information and images for media or public use (credit labeled if different from default Great Rivers Greenway). If you would like to request any additional materials, please contact Emma Klues at 314-932-4919 or

March 24, 2025 Groundbreaking for North Connector:

Press Release post
Press Release PDF
Event information
Images of north connector section (what it looks like now & future)

Brickline Greenway logo options:

PNG green
PNG white
Logo lockup with GRG logo green
Logo lockup with GRG logo white

Brickline Greenway Map
Brickline Greenway Map with Destinations

Market Street: Compton Ave. to 22nd St.

Construction in Progress!

Site of former People's Building

Click for a downloadable, high-res image, credit Great Rivers Greenway


Market & Compton Now - Looking East

Market & Compton 2026 - Looking East

Click for a downloadable, high-res image, credit Great Rivers Greenway


Market & Compton Now - Looking West

Market & Compton 2026 - Looking West

Click for a downloadable, high-res image, credit Great Rivers Greenway


Click on the thumbnail for the full image. Photographs are from civic engagement efforts. All renderings are draft concepts and will change as we get more community input.


Pillars of the Valley at 22nd and Market, St. Louis CITY SC Stadium

All images credit Great Rivers Greenway. Click on the thumbnail for the full image.


Former residents of Mill Creek Valley celebrate at the art unveiling February 16, 2023, 64 years to the day after the first wrecking ball struck in the neighborhood.