Gravois Greenway Plan

The plan for Gravois Greenway (commonly known as Grant’s Trail) calls for a continuous connection between Kirkwood at Holmes and Leffingwell all the way to the  River des Peres Greenway just south of Interstate 55.  This connection is now complete. Formerly a rail line, Gravois Greenway connects six densely populated municipalities and portions of unincorporated St. Louis County from Kirkwood to the St. Louis City limits at River City Casino Blvd. It ties together two greenways (Gravois and River des Peres) and will eventually connect to the Mississippi Greenway near River City Casino.  A large portion of the greenway follows Gravois Creek as it meanders through portions of south St. Louis County.  A spur of the greenway winds through the rolling hills of  Blake C. Snyder Memorial Park.