Spread the word!
Help create awareness for Great Rivers Greenway and the growing network of greenways by sharing our social media posts, helping us connect with your community, and sharing information about our Foundation. You will help your community stay informed on current greenways, provide feedback on upcoming projects, and learn about programming for everyone to enjoy!
How To Help
This is a great choice for an individual volunteer. You can plug in right now, or sign up to be a more regular supporter!

Boost Our Signal!
Connect on social media - leave a comment, or share with your community so everyone can know about greenways and get the information they need. It may sound small but a vision this bold takes all of us - plug in! Scroll to the bottom of any page to find links to our social channels.

Get the Scoop!
Fill out the volunteer interest form below to get regular updates on exciting greenway progress or programs, so you can then be the first to share via email, social media or just telling your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Every little bit counts!
Your Interest!
If you want to subscribe for volunteer opportunities or find out more about multiple options, fill out the form below to share with us which activities you’re interested in and then we will:
- Direct you to the training or resources you may need to get started
- Sign you up to receive updates when something matching your interest is available
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