Friday, March 22, 20245:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Event Details
998 South Leonor K Sullivan Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, USA
Check-in Location:
Levee Parking Lot on S Leonor K Sullivan Blvd,
601 S. Leonor K. Sullivan Blvd
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
Note: This event is at capacity! Check out our next volunteer event, Native Tree Planting with Forest ReLeaf! Thank you for your interest in volunteering!
The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation Stream Team invites you to help Revamp the Riverfront! This is a yearlong cleanup series along the Mississippi River, in partnership with Great Rivers Greenway. The series aims to clean up the Riverfront and prevent plastic pollution from entering the Mighty Mississippi and eventually the oceans.
Join us Friday afternoon, March 22nd, 2024 for the next event in our Revamp series along Leonor K. Sullivan Blvd. Gloves, bags, and light snacks will be provided. Please dress for the weather!
Register through the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation by clicking HERE.
Register Now
The Mural Mile, Chouteau Ave & S Leonor K Sullivan Blvd
998 South Leonor K Sullivan Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, USAAdditional Notes:
Check-in Location:
Levee Parking Lot on S Leonor K Sullivan Blvd,
601 S. Leonor K. Sullivan Blvd
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
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