We’re continuing evolving to make sure our process brings equity and community to the forefront of the project.


A vision this bold takes all of us. Great Rivers Greenway is leading the effort, a regional, sales-tax funded public agency. But many partners and funding sources will help to bring this to life, including the experts on the area – the people who live and work there right now. From federal funding to private philanthropic dollars to partners that can bring expertise about equitable economic development like workforce and job training or affordable housing, this is much more than just a trail project!


From the very beginning, the Brickline Greenway project used a cycle of engagement to inform the decision-making process. Using the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) as a guide, we created a process that allowed the team to ask a variety of audiences throughout several phases; we would “Ask” for input, “Align” their feedback with project plans and “Act” through advancement of the project from phase to phase.



City of St. Louis
Neighborhood residents
Community leaders
Small businesses
Utilities & railroads
Local & state agencies
Nonprofit organizations
Corporate leaders
Philanthropic funders
Church leaders
Property owners
Destinations along the way
Public transportation
Service providers



Residents of the St. Louis region voted for and invested in a clear, bold vision – a dynamic network of connecting rivers, parks and communities, strengthening the social, economic and environmental well-being of our region. Community members proudly invest in, care for and champion greenways for years to come.

There are 45 greenways identified in the overall concept plan for a total of 600 mile network of greenways. Great Rivers Greenway is actively working on 16 of those 45. The map below shows the status of the 135 miles (and counting!) that have been built so far, with another almost 200 miles in planning.


Meet the Brickline Greenway Team


Susan, our fearless leader, has literally been building parks since childhood. Her credentials and past positions are plentiful, she is active with MPRA and NRPA, and loves to take hiking trips.

Shaughnessy Daniels

Shaughnessy engages people, neighborhoods, and partners across the region so everyone has a voice in our projects. A daily walk—rain or shine—is at the top of her to do list. Don’t be surprised if you see her on a greenway near you!

Valerie Rudy-Valli

Valerie Rudy-Valli is leading the effort to secure the funds needed to bring the bold vision of the Brickline Greenway to life! She is a proud resident of “The Hill.” When she’s not eating or dreaming of her next meal, she loves to explore the greenways with her husband and beloved Miniature Schnauzer Betsy Ross!

Kuleya Bruce

Kuleya is a project manager on the team tasked with bringing to life both the Brickline Greenway and the greenway on the Hodiamont Tracks! On weekends you can find her quenching her inquisitive nature whether that be a museum, finding a random festival, tearing apart an engine or enhancing her board game strategies with friends.

Anna Leavey

Anna is the Program Manager for the Brickline Greenway project. With her background in architecture and construction management and her experience on the CityArchRiver project, she is well versed in working on public private partnership projects. Plus, she is a Master Gardener!

Lonny Boring

Lonny has managed many of our major projects over the years including the transformation of the Arch Grounds. Right now he is focused on all things Brickline Greenway. His depth of knowledge, calm demeanor and attention to detail is valued by our team and partners alike.

Mark Vogl

As one of our senior project managers, Mark leads on local greenway planning and is also responsible for updates to our every-five-year regional plan. He enjoys walking his dogs and training for marathons (lots of them!) on greenways across the region.

Michael Steinlage

Michael is a world traveler (30 countries & counting!) and self-proclaimed “National Park Nerd.” He brings everything he’s seen and learned in parks and cities around the world to plan and build new greenways! Look for him on the Meramec Greenway with his pup, Wilson.

Meet the rest of the team

Brickline Greenway Framework Plan

A Roadmap for the Project & Process

Summary – Making of a Greenway: 

As you check out the Framework Plan materials, please remember that this is a conceptual plan, all images are draft ideas to illustrate the ways this project could come to life. All proposed conditions imagery is copyright of Stoss.

Full Framework Planning document:

(to download or print this plan, please contact Great Rivers Greenway at info@grgstl.org)

Appendix Documents:
Appendix to Framework Plan
Engagement Report
Discovery Reports


  • Late 1990s – Big idea to connect Forest Park to the Arch
  • 2017-2019 – Community engagement & international design competition
  • 2019-2020 – Framework Plan completed, new name chosen with community
  • 2020-2022 – Community engagement, planning & design, federal grants
  • 2022-2024 – Design, engineering, engagement, fundraising
  • 2024-2028Construction, plus more design, engineering, engagement, fundraising
  • 2028+ – Continued progress on building beyond the first 10 miles!

Full project history here