Have you ever seen a parade of tandem bicycles riding along a greenway or around Forest Park? This fun-loving group is none other than the Delta Gamma Tandem Adventurers out for their weekly ride.
Meeting weekly from April through September, Tandem Adventurers pairs a person with visual impairments with an experienced bicyclist for a fun and challenging bike ride. The “Stoker”—a person with visual impairments—rides on the back of the tandem and the “Captain” rides up front. Each week, they work together to increase fitness, learn to work as a team member, make new friends and enjoy a sport that is not typically accessible to children with visual impairments.
The Tandem Adventurers’ enthusiasm for bicycling and exploring the St. Louis region is contagious! While their 2016 season is over, they will be looking for new Captains and Stokers when they launch their 2017 season in the spring. Stokers range from ten years old through High School graduation. Captains should be strong and experienced cyclists and be able to commit to at least one ride each week for the full season. For more information, contact Eleanor Aboussie-Ashley, GRADS Program Coordinator for the Delta Gamma Center, at 314-776-1300, ext. 111 or eaboussie-ashley@dgckids.org