Meramec Greenway

Glencoe to Sherman Beach Park

The Al Foster Memorial Trail is closed south of the Hamilton Creek Bridge  to accommodate placement of a new water main serving the City of Eureka. All other trails north of Hamilton Creek will not be impacted by this work and will remain open.
Date posted: 11/15/24


There are several trails that connect within this greenway, providing outstanding views of the river and riverfront forest while linking Rockwoods Reservation, Sherman Beach and Castlewood State Park. This area has been designated an Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society. Many songbird and woodland warbler species are drawn to nest and feed in the secluded forest habitat.
If you visit this stretch of the Meramec Greenway, also called the Al Foster Trail, on a Sunday (May- October), you can take a ride on the one-of-a-kind Wabash, Frisco & Pacific 12-inch gauge live steam railroad.  You can also hike in Castlewood State Park, take a float trip, wade in the river or have a picnic.
See the full plan for this greenway here!

Get Directions to Meramec Greenway: Glencoe to Sherman Beach Park

Getting There

The trailhead at the Wabash, Frisco and Pacific Railroad is located near Highway 109 and Old State Road in Wildwood. If you live near Ridge Meadows Elementary School, you may be able to walk to explore this greenway.

Each greenway is managed in cooperation with different municipalities and parks departments, who set the rules for greenway use, parking and hours of operation. This greenway is managed by the City of Wildwood. Please be sure to follow all posted rules and regulations while you are living life outside!

Things to Do

Explore History

You can explore history with the Wabash, Frisco and Pacific Steam Railroad in Glencoe. Check out the WFP Railroad website to learn more.


You can access the Meramec River to fish at several points along the greenway.


You can grill out on the grills located in Glencoe City Park.


You can play at Glencoe City Park in Wildwood.

See Wildlife

You can see an abundant variety of birds on this greenway. In fact, The National Audubon Society has designated this area within the Meramec Greenway as an Important Bird Area. You may even find yourself sharing the trail with a white-tail deer!

Trail Details

5.41 Miles

There are several trails that connect in this stretch of the Meramec Greenway, making it possible to walk or bike for several miles on paved and unpaved paths surrounding the Meramec River.
One of our connections, the Rock Hollow trail, stretches from atop Ridge Road, 2.2 miles down the bluff where it connects to this greenway. Rock Hollow is paved and mostly shady, with soaring bluffs through a dense forest. If you love a hill, you will love this one! If you don’t love a hill, the birds, wildlife and views make it worth the climb.
The nearby Western Greenway includes a 1.7-mile paved asphalt trail that connects the Wabash, Frisco and Pacific miniature railroad in Glencoe to Rockwoods Reservation. There are two tunnels, one under Old State Road and the other under Highway 109 that make it easier and safer for people who are walking or riding bikes to cross these busy roads.
This greenway (also called the Al Foster trail) is flat, shady and made of crushed limestone. It is 3.2 miles long stretching from the trailhead near the intersection of Old State Road and Highway 109 by the Wabash, Frisco and Pacific miniature railroad to Sherman Beach. It offers tremendous views of the Meramec River as you pass beside soaring limestone bluffs.
Please be aware that the additional 2.5 miles of trail between Sherman Beach County Park and Castlewood State Park is primitive, and a complete trail washout has occurred at the Castlewood Narrows section of the trail within Castlewood State Park. Choose your shoes and bike tires accordingly!

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