What a Difference A Year Makes!

People + Partnerships = Healthier Watersheds and Habitat in 2017

Great Rivers Greenway works to improve quality of life for all by creating and restoring healthy habitats and engaging people to take care of our region’s watersheds. This work would not be possible without partners such as the Open Space Council of St. Louis, Greenway Network, River des Peres Watershed Coalition, Missouri Stream Team, Missouri River Relief, Missouri Department of Conservation, St. Louis Audubon Society and more. We also rely on corporate, school, and civic groups to help us clean up trash, remove invasive species and add pollinator habitat throughout the St. Louis region.

As we look back on 2017, we want to thank our partners and volunteers who worked so hard to clean up our rivers and enhance our natural resources!

4,538 volunteers engaged in 33 greenway cleanup and conservation workdays coordinated with partners across the region!


Those volunteers donated 13,238 hours of time to improve the region’s watersheds.
That’s the equivalent of 6 dedicated full-time employees.

106 tons of trash and 2,749 tires were removed from rivers and creeks across the region with the help of volunteers and partners!

1,087 native plants and shrubs installed on greenways across the region
(You’re welcome, pollinators!)

In addition to volunteer cleanups, we also partner with nonprofits and other organizations to help enhance and restore habitat.
Thanks to the hard work of AmeriCorps St. Louis, we were able to clear 7.78 acres of honeysuckle and other invasive species and replaced it with more than 90 native trees!

Planning for 2018 is underway! If you or your group would like to join our conservation efforts, sign up for our volunteer newsletter here. We’ll let you know about volunteer opportunities for groups of all sizes, ages and abilities! Drop us a line here if you would like to create a custom work day or stewardship event.