Meramec Greenway Signage Betterment Project (725E)

Submittal Due Date: February 29, 2024 at 2:00pm Prevailing Central Time Submittal Location: via Bid Express

Great Rivers Greenway (Developer) is soliciting electronic bids via Bid Express for GRG Bid# 2024-002-725E Meramec Greenway Signage Betterment Project (725E) in St. Louis County and Fenton City, Missouri.  This work consists of removal of existing signage and installation of new wayfinding signs, and installation of environmental graphics and includes furnishing all material, labor, tools, equipment, and supervision necessary for the construction of the items herein described, in accordance with all the requirements represented in the attached drawings and the specifications.

All electronic bidders must register with Bid Express to obtain a digital ID. Bid Express has indicated it could take up to 5 business days to process the digital ID.

All bid documents are available for download at Bid