Deer Creek Greenway Streambank Improvements in Deer Creek Park are Complete!

The Deer Creek Greenway in Deer Creek Park is back open and ready for you to explore and enjoy! We partnered with the City of Maplewood  to stabilize a portion of the Deer Creek streambank. The goal was to not only prevent damage to the paved greenway, but also protect water quality and help improve drainage in the park. Over the past several months, crews have reduced the slope of the stream bank and added native plants, willow stakes and trees with deep roots that will stabilize and hold the soil in place as they grow. The willow stakes have already been tested by heavy rains this spring and are holding strong!

The streambank was stabilized by changing the angle of the slope to be less steep and by adding native plants.  A greater number of trees have been planted, including native Black Willow trees that will hold soil in place.  This project will also help prevent soil erosion and improve water quality for the plants and animals living in and along Deer Creek. If the water has too much sediment, it prevents light from passing through the water. This inhibits the aquatic plants that need light for photosynthesis, which in turn impacts the fish and other aquatic creatures that eat those plants!