Digital Strategy and Support RFQ: Questions

Is this RFQ an annual process or were there specific factors driving the RFQ request at this time?
We re-procure service contracts like this every 3 years, no specific factors driving this RFQ.

What is the balance of long term planning vs. short term executions under this service?
Approximately 50/50. Much of the time will be spent working on longer term projects but some of the time will also be for providing assistance with immediate needs.

Are projects more likely to be either long-term strategic planning or infrastructure development versus short term executions and campaigns?
Projects will likely take on both forms. We would like to leverage the selected vendor’s expertise to help guide digital strategy going forward, but we will also need more tactical assistance on short term projects.

Is there an expected balance of priorities and effort between revamping existing site functionality, possible new integrations (mapping systems, fitness apps, etc.) and possible new platforms (event management, interactive signage, etc.)?
At this time, no. We have interest in all these areas but marketing, interpretive and programmatic planning efforts that are currently in process will determine much of the allocations needed on the digital front. We also hope to leverage the strengths of any chosen vendor, so the final outcome of this RFQ process will also likely have some bearing on the prioritization of these projects.

What are the largest points of concern with the current digital campaign? What are the areas most in need of update and improvement?
While we are by no means looking for a complete overhaul of our existing online properties, we are open to modifications and changes, especially if they result in greater ergonomics and an improved user experience.

What is your current hosting solution and who maintains your hosting environment (e.g. plugin upgrades)?
The Great Rivers Greenway website is driven by WordPress and hosted by WordPress Engine. The site utilizes a variety of off the shelf and custom developed plug-ins to fuel its operation.

Are there specific functionalities and technologies currently in development or under exploration?
We are currently looking to transition our website maps to a different plugin. We would also like to explore options for greenway visitors to report conditions and maintenance issues through the site. We would also like to explore opportunities for providing interpretive content, such as historical or cultural information, to greenway visitors. We are also interested in exploring possible solutions for event management that could be used to manage registrations, lines and waiting times for individual activities at our Life Outside festival.

Are there any existing timelines for 2018, such as strategy / implementation phases or delivery dates?
Not at this time.

What is the expected budget for digital strategy and support in 2018?
Great Rivers Greenway has allocated up to $50,000 of its 2018 budget for digital services, including strategy, implementation and support. The contract with the chosen vendor will be the main item but not the only item to fit within that budget.

What are the internal resources within GRG that would also contribute to work related to this service? Are there areas where the consultant service is augmenting and supporting internal staff vs. completing tasks in their entirety?
Great Rivers Greenway has a marketing and communications team capable of maintaining the day to day operations of the organization’s digital presence, including all content updates. The staff is capable of most WordPress functionality. The selected vendor will lend their expertise to develop structure and strategy and to also maintain overall functionality.

Are there any partnerships or collaborations with other government agencies or private businesses which would contribute to or integrate with the strategy or implementation of digital projects under this service?
In addition to Great Rivers Greenway, the website also serves the needs of the Great Rivers Greenway Foundation – a 501 (c)(3) organization which raises private funds to support the work and further the mission of GRG. The organization also collaborates with countless other organizations on projects, programs and events, but the staff maintains those relationships and a vendor would not need to coordinate with other entities.

What are the expectations of agency availability and turnaround time for projects? Will there be frequent evening and weekend requests or emergency updates, or is the expectation work will be requested and planned well in advance.
Great Rivers Greenway will work with the vendor to develop plans, strategies and timelines, and we anticipate almost all work to be planned in advance. While we do not foresee any direct off-hour service requests, emergencies do happen and we will expect prompt response from the chosen vendor in the event of any digital failure.

Are there other areas where a consultant with the right experience could also contribute to GRG, such as Marketing/Public Relations, Photography/Video Production, Graphic Design, Outreach and Event Management?
Not at this time. Funds for those kinds of work are allocated separately within the Great Rivers Greenway budget and vendors for each of those services are already on contract with the organization. However, the organization will need to re-procure vendors in each of these service areas in the coming years and vendors may submit their qualifications in each of those areas at those times.

In terms of the agreement structure, is the preference standing retainer or project-based invoicing?
Monthly invoicing is preferred based on hours worked.

Will the agency be responsible for managing requests and efforts within a fixed yearly budget?
Yes. The vendor will need to be cognizant of the awarded contract amount and should not take on any work that would exceed that amount.

Please provide an example of interactive technology at physical signage locations? For example, historical recording or trail information and stats, etc.
Currently, we have signs located at various places throughout the greenway network that convey information about various historical, cultural or environmental themes. We would like to provide some way that we can share additional information with greenway visitors about these locations to further enhance the user experience. This information could come in the form of videos, audio recordings or photo content.

Please provide a complete list of planned projects for the 2018 calendar year?
We do not currently have a list of projects prepared. Strategy efforts that are currently in the works will inform the specific list of projects we will be pursuing, but areas we are interested in pursuing include:

  • Transition our website maps to a different plugin.
  • Ability for greenway visitors to report conditions and maintenance issues through the GRG website.
  • Ability to provide interpretive content, such as historical or cultural information, to greenway visitors at key locations of interest.
  • Event management application that could be used to manage registrations, lines and waiting times for individual activities at our Life Outside festival and communicate with event attendeess.

Will Great Rivers Greenway provide regular updates on the RFQ acceptance?
A review committee will evaluate all responses to this RFQ. From this review, Great Rivers Greenway may select a consultant(s) solely on the basis of submittals, or may additionally identify a short list of individual or team candidates for possible interviews. The committee may contact any or all respondents to clarify submitted information. Upon selection of a firm, organization, non-profit or combination thereof, Great Rivers Greenway will negotiate a scope of services and other terms and conditions of an agreement with the selected respondent(s). If such negotiations are not successful, Great Rivers Greenway reserves the right to begin negotiations with other respondents. Respondents whose qualifications are not accepted will be notified in writing as soon as practical.

Will there be a RFP issued after the RFQ, or will the RFQ and subsequent meetings allow the GRG to make a resulting award?
A review committee will evaluate all responses to this RFQ. From this review, Great Rivers Greenway may select a consultant(s) solely on the basis of submittals, or may additionally identify a short list of individual or team candidates for possible interviews. The committee may contact any or all respondents to clarify submitted information. Upon selection of a firm, organization, non-profit or combination thereof, Great Rivers Greenway will negotiate a scope of services and other terms and conditions of an agreement with the selected respondent(s). If such negotiations are not successful, Great Rivers Greenway reserves the right to begin negotiations with other respondents. Respondents whose qualifications are not accepted will be notified in writing as soon as practical.

Will the GRG staff collect the GPS and GIS data on new trails and features that are constructed moving forward, or would this be the responsibility of the vendor?
Great Rivers Greenway will provide the GPS and GIS data for trails and greenway amenities.

Is GRG open to Esri Online technologies or other Esri based solutions? Is there a preference to geospatial environment, plans, wishes, and hopes going forward?
We are open to the use of Esri, and that is what we use in house to maintain our data. We have no preference regarding this form of platform.

Does the GRG host the current website?
Great Rivers Greenway hosts its website through WordPress Engine.

Please explain ideas and concepts for integrating event management applications?
Specifically, we are looking at options for our annual Life Outside Free Festival of the Outdoors. The event, which was attended by over 4,000 people last year, features a variety of hands-on activities. Attendees can try their hand at tree climbing, rock climbing, kayaking and canoeing but due to staffing and equipment restraints, there are a limit to how many people can try any activity at one time. Instead of waiting in line, we envision a solution that allows attendees to be placed on a waiting list, similar to that of a restaurant, for each of these activities and then be notified when it is their turn to participate. We would also like to have the ability to notify attendees with important information. Additionally, it would be ideal if this application would also provide navigation through the festival grounds.

What are your primary (measurable) goals for this engagement? (ex. increased utilization, awareness, fund raising, etc)
Our primary measurable are still being determined and will be largely informed by the marketing strategy which is currently being drafted.