[Full] Volunteer: Spring Cutback on the Greenways

Saturday, March 1, 2025 • 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Saturday, March 1, 20259:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Details

Multiple Locations

See Event Details for more information.

This event is full!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Great Rivers Greenway. Please see our other volunteer events HERE.


Volunteers are needed for our Spring Greenway Cutback Event on Saturday March 1st from 9am to 11am! 

We will be working at three different greenway sites to cut back native perennials and grasses in preparation for new growth in the spring. Our work in March will be rewarded later this year as we watch the native plants and grasses flourish when the weather warms up!


  • Mysun Trailhead (Gravois Greenway)
  • Trojan Park (St. Vincent Greenway)
  • Katherine Ward Burg Garden (Mississippi Greenway)

No experience necessary; Great Rivers Greenway staff will teach volunteers how to cut back the perennials and grasses.

What to wear: Please dress for the weather and bundle up. Long sleeve shirts, pants and closed toe shoes are required. Eye protection and gloves will be provided.

What to bring: All tools will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own loppers, garden shears or pruners if you have them. Please bring a water bottle to help us reduce plastic waste. Light snacks and water will be provided.  

Note: This event is limited to ages 13 and older. 

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Multiple Locations

Additional Notes:

See Event Details for more information.

River des Peres Trash Bash 2024

Saturday, October 26, 2024 • 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Saturday, October 26, 20249:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Details

3200 N Laclede Station Rd, Maplewood, MO 63143

NOTE: Registration for this event is not hosted by Great Rivers Greenway. For more information or questions about registration, please contact Open Space STL at 314.835.9225 or at volunteer@openspacestl.org.

Come out and clean up the River des Peres Watershed! This annual event would not be possible without the many parnters who work togther each year to make it happen. Thanks to our partners at Open Space Council, River des Peres Watershed Coalition, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, and the EarthWays Center!

Cleanup locations are spread out across the River des Peres watershed. Many are on greenway including the Graovis Greenway at Union Road County Park, Deer Creek Greenway, St. Vincent Greenway and several locations across the River des Peres Greenway.

Day of event “headquarters,” post-cleanup picnic and Passport to  Clean Water will be held at Deer Creek Park – 3200 N Laclede Station Rd, Maplewood, MO 63143!

Sign up for a greenway cleanup site below; or click “Register Now” link for all cleanup locations!

St. Vincent Greenway- playground on Ruth Porter Mall

River des Peres Greenway at Lemay Park

RDP at Fultz Field

Mississippi Greenway at River City Casino

Gravois Greenway at Union Road County Park

Deer Creek Greenway at Rocket Park (Deer Creek Park)

River des Peres Greenway at Francis Slay Park

River des Peres Greenway along Germania Avenue

River des Peres Greenway from Chippewa to Gravois

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Bike the Branches

Saturday, October 5, 2024 • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Saturday, October 5, 202410:00 am - 1:00 pm

Event Details

Gravois Greenway: Oak Bend Library Branch

842 South Holmes Avenue, St. Louis, MO, USA

Learn more about the Gravois Greenway (Grant’s Trail): River des Peres Greenway to Holmes & Leffingwell here.

Ride your bike along the Gravois Greenway between the Oak Bend and Grant’s View library branches for prizes, kids programming, wellness activities, and more. Grab a passport map to collect stamps and earn prizes at stops along the way. All ages. Click here for more information from St. Louis County Library.

Gravois Greenway bike ride with Oasis

Friday, September 6, 2024 • 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Friday, September 6, 20249:30 am - 12:00 pm

Event Details

Gravois Greenway: Kirkwood Trailhead

601 South Holmes Avenue, Kirkwood, MO, USA

Bike the Gravois Greenway from the Kirkwood trailhead to the River des Peres Greenway and back, approximately 20 miles. Register at www.stloasis.org or by calling 314-862-4859 ext 24.

Learn more about the Gravois Greenway (Grant’s Trail): River des Peres Greenway to Holmes & Leffingwell here.

Register Now

Meet Auggie

Posted on Monday August 26, 2024

Auggie Bindbeutel started inline skating when he was 8 years old and has never stopped! He first learned to skate on Gravois Greenway: Grant’s Trail. As an adult, he’s channeling this passion into Skate St. Louis-a mobile inline skate rental company:
“The greenways are some of my favorite places to skate. They are flat, wide open, with minimal hurdles or bumps. It makes me feel like I am floating…or flying. Plus it’s great exercise. That’s why I wanted to make it easier for other people to try inline skating. They can rent skates through our site and we meet them or drop them off at their house. We also work with a lot of camps, schools and other groups. I have traveled all over the country and the world and I can say the St. Louis region has some of the best trails and greenways for inline skating I have ever seen!” Want to try skating? Learn more at https://skatestl.com/

Home Greenway: Gravois

Meet Denise, Steve, Izzie

Posted on Monday July 29, 2024

“She has to go everywhere with us. This was her first trip-she’s finally calmed down a little. Best part of the bike ride has been laughing at Izzie…and the reaction from people seeing her in the trailer!” ~Denise, Steve and Izzie the dog

Home greenway: Gravois Greenway: Grant’s Trail

Meet Kenny

Posted on Friday July 26, 2024

Kenny F. is a volunteer ambassador for Great Rivers Greenway. Ambassadors are trained volunteers who represent Great Rivers Greenway at a variety of daytime, evening and weekend events such as Life Outside, earthday365, Pedal the Cause, GO! St. Louis® and more: “I volunteer because I love everything that Great Rivers Greenway represents. As a Greenway Ambassador, I get to talk about and do all of things I love. I’ve been into fitness for almost 50 years. I remember so often when I was one of very few runners out there. Now it’s exciting to see so many more people involved in exercise and being outside. I love meeting fitness and health minded individuals and talking to them–whether they are an ultra-marathoner or just like to walk. It’s fun to talk about the greenways and see the overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic responses about what’s happening and what’s coming next. Whether I am on a greenway or driving by I give everyone I see a thumbs up. I’ve been doing the same to all the construction workers building the Gravois Greenway extension- a big cheer and a thumbs up!” (Learn more about Great Rivers Greenway Volunteer Opportunities here: https://greatriversgreenway.org/volunteer/)

Home Greenway: River des Peres and Gravois Greenway

Meet Sr. Mary

Posted on Friday July 26, 2024

“The people are wonderful-they always greet you. They are very friendly. Sometimes they’ll start up a conversation-it’s a great place to meet people. I like having the library on the way. You can pop in and see what’s new. I enjoy praying for everyone here as I pass by the cemetery- I think about all of the history and all of the people who lived here in the past. It’s just refreshment!” ~Sr. Mary Francis

Home greenway: Gravois Greenway: Grant’s Trail. Pauline Books & Media

Meet Sr. Laura

Posted on Friday July 26, 2024

We crossed paths with two smiling Daughters of St. Paul last month on the Gravois Greenway: Grant’s Trail. We asked each of them what they enjoy about walking on the greenway:

“I come from a family of hikers. I’m from North Carolina and we would take Sunday hikes up in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Now this isn’t the Blue Ridge Mountains but it is green and there are trees and the sunshine and the blue sky and the fresh air. I love being outside and am glad this is close to our house!” ~Sr. Laura

Meet Ernest

Posted on Friday July 26, 2024

Ernest Jordan is the President of Friends of Father Dickson Cemetery. Located along Gravois Greenway: Grant’s Trail at Sappington Road, Father Dickson Cemetery was one of the first public cemeteries available to African Americans in the St. Louis area. More than 12,000 people were interred there before it closed in the 1970’s. Without a perpetual care endowment, the cemetery fell victim to abuse and neglect. Friends of Father Dickson Cemetery organized in 1988 to restore and preserve the historic 13-acre site and more than 167 years of African American History. https://youtu.be/fNzJfoeXp2M