Enjoy children’s stories and hands-on nature activities followed by a stroll on the Deer Creek Greenway at Deer Creek Park! Children of all ages welcome. We’ll meet at the south pavilion in Deer Creek Park near the playground. There are restrooms in Deer Creek Park. FREE but registration is required.
Enjoy children’s stories and hands-on nature activities followed by a stroll on the Boschert Greenway at Fox Hill Park! Children of all ages welcome. Please bring a blanket to sit on. We’ll meet at the north pavilion in Fox Hill Park near the playground. There are restrooms and a storybook walk in Fox Hill Park! FREE but registration is required.
Missouri and Boschert Greenways bike ride with Oasis
Friday, September 13, 2024 • 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Friday, September 13, 20249:30 am - 12:00 pm
Event Details
Earth City Levee Trail, Earth City, MO, USA
Ride across the 370 Discover Bridge on the protected bike path that links the Missouri Greenway in Earth City with the Boschert Greenway in St. Charles, approximately 19 miles. Optional lunch on your own at Bike Stop Cafe. Register at www.stloasis.org or by calling 314-862-4859 ext 24.
Mona Vespa is the President of GO! St. Louis. GO! is a local non-profit organization that encourages individuals and families in the #STL region to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle year round. They accomplish this through community collaborations, school-based programming and the creation of new and fun fitness events:
“Running is my sport, my hobby and my profession! Personally, I can’t imagine a better way to explore your own city than on foot, and the greenways are the perfect way to do that! Every time I run a greenway, I am reminded that our city is incredibly diverse in landscape and character, but is also comprised of neighborhoods and communities who are all working towards a similar goal: to make their part of our city a vibrant and welcoming home. And as a part of my job, what a joy it is to share that with the runners and walkers of our area. I’ve used greenways for several GO! St. Louis race routes, and our Summer Passport program’s entire focus is to introduce more runners to the incredible gem of these paths throughout our city. GO! St. Louis is thankful for GRG’s work and dedication to outdoor recreation in our region!”
Home Greenway: All of them!
The 30 Foot Flower in the Boschert Greenway
Posted on Wednesday July 17, 2024
If you’ve walked or biked along the Boschert Greenway in St. Charles County, you’ve probably seen “Blomstre”—a thirty foot flower made of bicycle parts. Who made it? How was it built? We got the scoop straight from the man who dreamed it up and built it—Maplewood artist and blacksmith Andrew Andrasko of Dras Fabrication + Design.
What does Blomstre mean? It is a Norwegian word that means “bloom.”
In memory of Mike Murray, who was always grounded in the mission and collaborative model of Great Rivers Greenway, nonprofit, municipal, government or corporate partners that go above and beyond the call of duty to contribute to the mission of Great Rivers Greenway over the course of a given year will be recognized annually. This year, we celebrate the City of St. Charles. Read on about their dedication and celebrate with the community on April 7!
The City of St. Charles strengthens the collaboration with Great Rivers Greenway to make the St. Louis region a more vibrant place to live, work and play by developing a network of greenway to connect people to our rivers, parks and communities. The dedication and commitment of City staff, elected officials, residents and business owners to enriching the quality of life for residents and visitors is evidenced by their spirit of partnership.
As the operations and maintenance partner on the Boschert Greenway, the willingness and capacity of City staff to care for the greenway allowed for unique enhancements to the greenway such as the Living Wall of native grasses and the bicycle-themed public art sculpture. The planning, design and construction of the first two phases of the Boschert Greenway were led by Great Rivers Greenway in partnership with the City of St. Charles. Currently, the City of St. Charles is championing the expansion of the third phase of the Boschert Greenway expansion by acquiring an abandoned railway and integrating the design of the greenway with the Foundry Arts Centre. Also near the Boschert Greenway, the City of St. Charles worked with Boeing Missile Defense to create a walking and bicycling connection between the defense facility and the Katy Trail so that the large number of employees who use active transportation to get to and from work have a more safe and convenient connection. This project also has an on-street facility that connects up Little Hills Expressway to the Boschert Greenway from Boeing. This collaboration has increased the impact on the community by creating additional connections to residences, businesses, places of employment, and cultural destinations in Historic St. Charles and has increased the programming opportunities on the Boschert Greenway.
In 2016, the City of St. Charles worked with consultants Trailnet, Heartlands Conservancy and Alta Planning and Design to develop a citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The plan was guided by a Steering Committee made up of city staff, elected officials, and representatives from the Parks and Recreation Board, School District, Lindenwood University, local bicycle shop, Delta Center for Independent Living, County Highway Department, Chamber of Commerce, MoDOT, area residents, and Great Rivers Greenway. This plan includes a review of existing conditions and recommendations for walking and bicycling education, encouragement, enforcement, evaluation, and engineering. Route maps for both walking and bicycling were identified along with design guidelines and funding sources. The plan identified and implemented a public engagement process throughout its development. The City of St. Charles Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was presented to City Council in November 2016.
Since 2013, the City of St. Charles has been working with Great Rivers Greenway to expand the Centennial Greenway over highways 364 and 94 to connect residents in St. Charles City and County, and St. Peters with their rivers, parks and communities in St. Charles and across the Missouri River in St. Louis County. The City of St. Charles played an integral role in engaging residents and elected officials in the development of this project. Once complete, the City of St. Charles will be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the bridges over 364/94. Though the construction will not be complete until 2018, the City of St. Charles has proactively included bridge inspections in their maintenance contract. The City of St. Charles cites the successful collaborations with agencies and neighboring municipalities such as St. Charles County, MoDOT, the City of St. Peters, and Great Rivers Greenway for their ability to go above and beyond in their spirit of partnership that is necessary to execute the citizens’ vision for the Centennial Greenway.
As stated in their Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, “The City of St. Charles is an attractive destination for tourists, families, and businesses alike. The City has numerous enjoyable and walkable attractions, including historic Main Street, the Katy Trail, and the scenic Missouri River. Creating stronger multi-modal connections to these destinations will provide healthier, safer, and more economical options for both tourists and residents.” The City of St. Charles recognizes the power of partnerships in connecting people to the destinations within their city via greenways and connecting people to the greenways as standalone destinations. The City of St. Charles staff, elected officials, residents and business owners are excellent partners of Great Rivers Greenway who give plentifully of their time and resources. Their vision for making the region a more vibrant place to live, work and play extends beyond municipal boundaries and considers the greenways as connections to our rivers, parks, communities and the larger St. Louis region.
Storybook Walks on Greenways
Posted on Wednesday July 17, 2024
Storybook Walks are a fun way to read a book while enjoying a walk along a greenway.
(Not to mention instilling a love for books as little readers burn up some energy!)
Books are displayed page -by-page on progressive signs along the paved path. There are Storybook Walks on greenways in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County. Plan a visit to one or all of them!
St. Vincent Greenway at Ruth Porter Mall
We have teamed up with the St. Louis Public Library on a Storybook Walk at Ruth Porter Mall Park on the St. Vincent Greenway. The featured book changes every month. (Fun Fact: The posts were designed and built by Perennial, a local nonprofit, using 342 pounds of reclaimed material.) The February book is Because Claudette by Tracey Baptiste
Maline Greenway at Bella Fontaine County Park
We’ve partnered with St. Louis Black Authors of Children’s Literature on a Storybook Walk in Bella Fontaine County Park on the Maline Greenway. The featured book is Roscoe Goes to School by Dytania Harris. The Storybook Walk is located on the greenway near the baseball fields.
St. Charles County Storybook Walks
The St. Charles City-County Library maintains five Storybook Walks in St. Charles County. Library staff hand-pick a different book each month. Two of the Storybook Walks are on greenways:
Boschert Greenway at Fox Hill Park in St. Charles The February book is The Epic Adventures of Huggie & Stick by Drew Doywalk and David Springer. The Storybook Walk is separate from the main part of Fox Park; it’s near the parking area at the end of Huncker/Quince (Boschert Greenway Hunker Drive Parking), then just down a short paved path.
Dardenne Greenway at St. Charles Community College in Cottleville The February Book is Rhinos Don’t Eat Pancakes by Anna Kemp. The Storybook Walk is on the portion of the Dardenne Greenway that crosses St. Charles Community College in Cottleville. Find it by parking lot “Orange 4” via the north entrance to the campus off Mid Rivers Mall Drive.
Find all of the St. Charles City County Storybook Walks here.
10 Great River Views You Can Only Enjoy From a Greenway
Posted on Monday July 15, 2024
Almost every greenway is either named for, connected to, meanders alongside or crosses over one of our region’s rivers or creeks.
Whether it’s the Mighty Mississippi or Dardenne Creek, greenways are great places to not only see stunning river views, but also enjoy the calming side effects of flowing water. There’s a good chance you’ll also spot some of the many birds and animals who make their home or migrate along the rivers. Here are 10 amazing river views you can enjoy on foot or bike via a greenway:
1. Mississippi River at Chain of Rocks Park & Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Head to Chain of Rocks Park and walk or ride out to the center of the Historic Old Chain of Rocks Bridge. Depending on the season, you might spot a family of eagles. Look downstream and you can see the Gateway Arch. Listen closely and you can hear the water rippling over the chain of rocks below. If you want to drive, park on the Illinois side of the bridge here.
2. Missouri River at the Page Avenue Extension/364 Bridge Walking & Biking Lane The Page Avenue Extension/364 Bridge has a dedicated walking and biking lane that connects to the Katy Trail at mile 42.8 just south of the Family Arena in St. Charles County. On the east side, it connects to the 3.6 mile Creve Coeur Park Connector Trail. In the middle of the bridge there is a bump-out where you can pause to enjoy a bird’s- eye view of the Missouri River. The Centennial Greenway: Katy Trail to Schaefer Park and Spencer Creek Trail connects to this bridge on the St. Charles County side. In St. Louis County, you can take the Fee Fee Greenway: Aquaport to Creve Coeur Park all the way from the Maryland Heights Community Center, through the park to link up with the Connector Trail to the bridge.
3. Mississippi River from Mississippi Greenway: River City Casino to Jefferson Barracks Park This section of the Mississippi River Greenway offers magnificent views of the river as it stretches from Jefferson Barracks County Park north along the river. Be sure to slow down to watch the barges working the river. Plan your visit here.
4. Missouri River at Sunset Park The more the leaves fall, the better the views of the Missouri River in Sunset Park via the Sunset Greenway: Old Town Florissant to Sunset Park. Plan to spend the day exploring this greenway and finish with a sunset!
5. Mississippi River at Cliff Cave Park The Mississippi Greenway: Cliff Cave Park offers stunning views of the river from an overlook nestled into the rocky bluffs towering 170 feet over the river. You can also watch the river flow by on the paved 5 mile greenway in the lower section of the park.
6. Missouri River on the Boone Bridge The walking and biking path on the I-64 Daniel Boone Bridge lets you slow down and enjoy the Missouri River from the middle of the bridge—something you can’t do in a car. You can connect to the bridge via the Busch Greenway and Katy Trail in St. Charles County. The Missouri Greenway: Monarch Chesterfield Levee will get you there too!
7. Meramec River at Lower Meramec Park The greenway and St. Louis County Park not only offers great river views, but also serves as a natural flood plain so the river can spread out during high water and flooding. As you walk or ride, you’ll enjoy a mixture of woodlands and open fields. The trees are highly diverse with some of the best remaining woodlands in the Lower Meramec Valley. Plan your visit here.
8. Meramec River at Al Foster Trail Views of the river from the Al Foster Trail along the Meramec Greenway is sure to improve your mood as you meander through a bottomland forest next to soaring limestone bluffs. It’s a must see! Plan your visit here.
9. Meramec Greenway: Greentree Park to Arnold’s Grove The Meramec River makes a big turn near Kirkwood’s Greentree Park and it’s especially lovely to watch the light sparkling on the water in the morning and late afternoon. You can start your walk or ride in Greentree Park and follow the river all the way to Arnold’s Grove in Valley Park…or vice versa. Either way it’s a great way to enjoy the Meramec River. Plan your visit here.
BONUS #11. Mississippi River at downtown St. Louis Riverfront & Katherine Ward Burg Garden This is St. Louis after all, so we couldn’t forget the southern end of the Mississippi Greenway: Chouteau Riverfront to Old Chain of Rocks Bridge (Riverfront Trail). There’s nothing better than watching the Mighty Mississippi roll by beneath the Gateway Arch! You can also head over to the Landing to Katherine Ward Burg Garden and enjoy the views from there!
Join Oasis for a bike ride: St. Charles to New Town Ride on the Boschert Greenway
Friday, September 8, 2023 • 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Friday, September 8, 20239:30 am - 1:30 pm
Event Details
Bike Stop Cafe, South Riverside Drive, Saint Charles, MO, USA
Meet at the Bike Stop Cafe in St Charles, 701 Riverside Dr, St Charles, MO 63301, restrooms available in the cafe.
701 Riverside Dr.
St. Charles, Missouri 63301
Bike from St Charles to New Town, via the Boschert Greenway, and Fox Hill Park trails. Approximately 12 miles.
Visit stloasis.org or call (314) 862–4859 ext 24 to learn more or to enroll.
CANCELED DUE TO RAIN-Boschert Greenway Storytime and Stroll
Thursday, October 5, 2023 • 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Thursday, October 5, 20239:30 am - 10:30 am
Event Details
3400 Kister Dr, St Charles, MO 63301, USA
3400 Kister Drive
St. Charles, Missouri 63301
Enjoy children’s stories and hands-on nature activities followed by a stroll on the Boschert Greenway at Fox Hill Park! Children of all ages and their guardians are welcome. Snacks will be provided; please bring a blanket to sit on. We’ll meet at the north pavilion in Fox Hill Park (near the playground). There are restrooms, a playground and a year-round storybook walk in Fox Hill Park! FREE, preregistration is required.