Greenway trails often cross commercial and neighborhood drives . It is critical that this crossing be developed with safety in mind.

Vehicle stops should be clearly defined with a stop bar and sign. A stop sign is also placed on either side of the crossing for trail users. While final design will be based upon specific intersection geometry, elements in the recommended layout should be considered as basis of design.

  • For use at commercial entries or neighborhood drive entries.
  • Curb ramps should provide contrasting material to general trail surface, will typically be concrete.
  • Driveway aprons to be concrete.
  • Provide clear sight lines – no plantings within 20’-0” clear sight line.
  • Where there is concern of driver confusion, bollards can be used to further define the trail entrances.
  • Evaluate solid waste placement/ collection.
  • While final design will be based upon specific intersection geometry, elements in the recommended layout should be considered as basis of design.

Plan Diagram

COMPONENTS: Click below for more information on each component.

1) Primary Trail Surfacing (Concrete Header Optional)

2) Trail Shoulder

3) Crosswalk

4) Detectable Warning Surface